Welcome to the Boise Preppers Web Site

"Prepare for the Worst,
Hope for the Best"


Background: There are many prepper groups in the Boise general area but most are small, private groups with little or no interactions with other groups. Most of those open to the public are on Meetup.com and include PrepperNet - Nampa and Progressive Preppers. Among the difficulties in communicating with preppers is a) they tend to be private and avoid public recognition, b) they have their own software/platform preferences (many refuse to use Facebook), and c) some just want to fly their own flag and not join others.

Purpose: The purpose of this page is to provide preppers residing within the Boise, Idaho, general area with a central source of local information and communication. That information includes events, news, classes, opportunities, and other information relevant to local preppers.

Facebook: See also our Facebook page at Boise Preppers - Facebook


Note: While in-work the following sections may refer to the Antelope Valley Preparedness Community activities. Eventually this will be corrected.


This contains chronological lists of upcoming and past events as well as notes on past events.

Useful Links

This contains a list of Emergency Preparedness (EP) links that might be useful.

Radio Communications

This is a collection of notes on prepper radios and includes a sub-section on programming the Baofeng radios for local frequencies and repeaters.


This lists a collection of documents related to Boise Prepper activities.

Lending Library

This lists books that are available for borrowing as well as a list of recommended movies.

This page first written: 2019 Apr 30
This page last updated: 2019 Nov 20
This page written by: Glenn Olson (glenn@glenn-olson.com)